We award grants of up to £5,000 to support projects that provide facilities or services that relieve those in need, hardship or distress in the ancient parish of Yardley, South East Birmingham
Sheltered Housing
We provide accomodation for older people who can live independently, with or without support.
Nursing Care
We provide personalised nursing care for older people, including end of life care.
Jobs and Volunteering
Would you like to join our team? Search our vacancies or become a volunteer.
The origins of Yardley Great Trust lie in the fourteenth century when John de Yerdeley gave his lands for the benefit of local people in poverty. The Trust is now part of a group of charities managed by up to fifteen Trustees who meet monthly (except August). Five of the Trustees are local Vicars, two are nominated by Birmingham City Council and the remaining eight are co-opted for their special knowledge of the area.